What is school monitoring evaluation and adjustment

The School Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adjustment System is a mechanism that provides information and insights on several aspects of the school system (Kusek & Rist, 2004). Its main objective is to provide the school heads with the necessary information and insights on the status, progress, and results of the delivery of basic education in schools concerning access, quality, and governance. This is designed to help school heads manage the schools effectively and efficiently and for the teachers to adhere to the standards of teaching and learning process.

This also allows the school heads to meet the information, reporting and documentation requirements of the Department of Education as well as provide key information to the Schools Division Office and Regional Offices for its provision of technical assistance. The enactment of Republic Act No. 9155, also known as the "Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001," strengthened the Department of Education's adherence to the principle of shared governance which recognizes the particular role, task, and responsibility of every unit in the education bureaucracy. It is this Act that stipulates the roles inherent to each office and for which it is principally accountable for outcomes. (Section 5(a), R.A. No. 9155).


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