10 DIY Goat Shelter Plans + Tips for Building the Best Goat Shelter


Raising goats is a no-frills proposition. It can also be a lot of fun, and it is absolutely a lot of work. You must worry about clean water, feed, a pen, and last but not least, shelter – especially for winter. Luckily, building your own DIY goat shelter from a plan is pretty simple, and it doesn’t require too much of an investment. Goats don’t care what their barns and hutches look like as long as they can stay dry, comfy, and warm. So, this is a great time to experiment with your building skills and use up some scrap materials! Follow me down the goat shelter path and see some easy ideas to keep your herd safe. I’ll share some of my favorite DIY goat shelter designs and plans and teach you what goats need from their shelter, discussing how much space they need, the materials necessary, and how to keep your goats warm in the winter. Let’s get into it!

What’s Inside: