Dairy Cow Farming Project Report For 10 Animals

Dairy Cow Farming Project Report:

The following is all about the 10 Dairy Cow Farming Project.

Introduction to crossbred dairy cow farming project

Dairy farming is one of the lucrative and profitable businesses under ideal livestock management practices. People are showing interest in small-scale dairy farming to set up with the help of the bank loan.

Dairy cow farming project advantages

Is there anything that I should be aware of before starting a cross-bred dairy cow farming project?

Yes, you must have good knowledge of dairy cows and their management. You can get dairy farming training from your local animal husbandry. To know about problems and other information, visit local dairy farms. Prepare a good dairy cow farming business plan which includes buying cow breeds to selling their milk. Buy these cows from certified breeders. Purchase cows with good family history and milking skills. High-quality cows always good for milk production. Finally, Invest only what you can afford to lose.

Popular milch cow breeds in India

The following project report is for 10 crossbred dairy cow farming project with bank loan repayment. The figures taken in minimum amounts. This is only a sample/model dairy cow project report. The numbers mentioned may vary from region to region and time to time.

Components of Crossbred Dairy Cow Project
Type of Cows Crossbred
Number of Cows 10
Cost of one Cow which includes transportation and insurance. 30,000
Average milk yield/liters/day/cow. 12
The selling price of milk/liter (in Rupees). 13 (we took the least figure)
Sale of manure/cow/year (in Rupees). 500
Culled value/cow at the end of 5th lactation (in Rupees). 8,000
Veterinary aid/cow/year. 750
The rate of interest (%). 12
The residual value of the shed and equipment to be taken (Yes or No). No
Repayment years (period). 3
Percentage of net surplus towards repayment. 80

Feeding schedule in crossbred dairy cow farming project

Based on the norms, the funding for crossbred dairy cow farming project unit

Newborn Cow Kid.

Total Project Cost (from above) Rs. 3,95,000
Margin Money (Individual borrower/company/society) Rs.75,000
Loan amount from the bank Rs. 3,20,000

The lactation chart for the dairy cow farming project is given below. This is based on 280 lactation days plus 120 dry days which is 400 days of inter-calving

Year First batch Second batch Total
Lactation days Dry days Lactation days Dry days Lactatio n days Dry days
1 1250 575 720 0 1970 575
2 1400 425 1225 600 2625 1025
3 1400 425 1225 600 2625 1025
4 1400 425 1225 600 2625 1025
5 1275 550 1225 600 2500 1150

Profitability projections of 10 crossbred dairy cow farming project

Particulars 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year
By sale of cow milk 3,35,400 4,09,500 4,09,500 4,09,500 3,90,000
By sale of cow manure 3,750 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Total 3,39,150 4,14,500 4,14,500 4,14,500 3,95,000
Concentrated feed 1,01,250 1,41,500 1,41,500 1,41,500 1,36,500
Dry Fodder 40,875 54,750 54,750 54,750 54,750
Veterinary Expenses 5,625 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500
Total 1,47,750 2,03,750 2,03,750 2,03,750 1,98,750
Net Income 1,91,400 2,10,750 2,10,750 2,10,750 1,96,250

Financial analysis of 10 crossbred dairy cow farming project report

Particulars I year II year III year IV year V year
Capital Cost 3,95,000
Recurring cost 1,47,750 2,03,750 2,03,750 2,03,750 1,98,750
Total Cost 5,42,750 2,03,750 2,03,750 2,03,750 1,98,750
Benefits 3,39,150 4,14,500 4,1,4500 4,14,500 3,95,000
Residual value 80,000
Total Benefit 3,39,150 4,14,500 4,14,500 4,14,500 4,75,000
Net Benefit -2,03,600 2,10,750 2,10,750 2,10,750 2,76,250
Discount factor at 15 % 0.87 0.76 0.66 0.57 0.50
BCR 1.42: 1
NPV 3,78,727
IRR >50% (98.93 %)

Repayment Tenure (Period) for 10 crossbred dairy cow farming project

Dairy Farming Loan Repayment. Repayment Tenure.

Who are eligible for the NABARD dairy farming project subsidy scheme?

How much dairy cow farming project subsidy I get from NABARD?

Dairy cow farming project tips:

Read this: Dairy Farm Business.

Cow Farming Tips.

Bottom Line of dairy cow farming project

Not only investment, dedication, monitoring, but hard work also make you a profitable dairy farmer. Cost and profits in commercial dairy farming depend on many factors such as Cow breed, feed management, disease control, and other dairy management practices.

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